ISBER will provide a list of registered conference delegates (including Name, Institution and Country) to exhibitor contact person prior to the Conference.
Host Companies or their designates will not use “ISBER”, “ISBER Annual Meeting”, “ISBER Regional Meeting”, or their respective logos on any announcement, sign, publication, audio-visual product or other promotional materials without written permission of ISBER.
No audio or video taping without consent of the ISBER may be used; all approved audio and/or videotaping must be disclosed to the audience in the program.
The Companies will refrain from posting promotional signs in hotel lobbies without permission of ISBER; placing promotional material under the doors (or door drops of any kind) of hotel guests is not permitted.
Companies will remit fees ASAP; cheques should be made payable to the International Society for Biological and Environmental Repositories
Meetings with conference delegates during the conference program and activities (including ISBER sanctioned corporate symposia/workshops) are not permitted.
Companies may not tear down their booth before the scheduled end time of the exhibit hall. Companies who take down their booth before the scheduled end time are subject to pay a penalty fee not to exceed $1,000 USD.
Corporate Symposium/Workshop Guidelines
ISBER does not guarantee exclusivity on any one subject matter to any symposia.
Companies hosting symposia agree/acknowledge:
that ISBER retains the right to select/approve symposia content, faculty, venue, and other details.
that symposia planning efforts including set-up, food and beverage, audio-visual and other arrangements, will be made through the ISBER meeting manager, unless other arrangements are agreed upon to allow the session contact person to deal directly with the conference venue. In the case of the latter, the ISBER meeting manager must be kept informed of all communication between session contact person and the conference venue.
that ISBER will not provide moderators, chairs, speakers, or introductions for any sponsored symposium or workshop (however, we encourage host companies to make arrangements with individual ISBER members and delegates to participate as chairs, moderators, and/or speakers for their symposium)
that ISBER will include the title, speakers, and sponsor logo of the corporate symposium/workshop in the ISBER Final Program
that ISBER will not provide promotion or registration services for any symposium/workshop, other than publication of the title, speakers, and sponsor logo in the Final Program.
that the sponsor will provide the name of any companies contracted to organize the symposium at your earliest opportunity.
that ISBER will assist with on-site traffic flow and logistics. If meeting staff is required on-site, the corporate host will be billed at a rate not to exceed $50/hour/person. If audio-visual technicians are required, company will pay an approved AV company for such services.
that no audio or video taping without consent of the ISBER may be used; all approved audio and/or videotaping must be disclosed to the audience in the program.
to refrain from posting promotional signs in hotel lobbies without permission of ISBER.
that acceptance of a sponsored symposium or workshop does not imply in any way ISBER endoresement of the program and/or materials
that companies found in violation of the sponsor and symposia guidelines will risk penalty from ISBER.