All accepted oral abstract presenters (including Contributed Paper Session Presenters and Innovative Technology Oral Presenters) will have received an email invitation to present at the ISBER 2020 Annual Meeting.  Please note that all presenters must accept the invitation and register for the meeting to present. Detailed information on your presentation date and time will be confirmed closer to the meeting. If you have any questions about your presentation or the ISBER 2020 Annual Meeting, please email


Contributed Paper Session Presenters & Innovative Technology Oral Presenters Instructions:

Your Presentation Length & Format:

Contributed Paper Session Presenters – Presentation Duration: 12 minutes for presentation, 3 minutes for Q&A.

Innovative Technology Oral Presenters – Presentation Duration: 5 minutes.

Please note your presentation should be formatted as 16 X 9 (widescreen), and not 4 X 3.

Submitting Your Presentation

Speaker Services Room

Speaker Services will be in Grand Ballroom J.

Speaker Services hours are as follows:

Your Presentation Time

Details have been sent to you regarding your presentation session (Contributed Paper Session 1, 2, 3, 4, or Innovative Technology). Please see our Preliminary Program to determine the scheduled times for these sessions. Final confirmations will be sent out closer to the meeting.

Conflict of Interest


Audiovisual Equipment

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact ISBER Head Office at